Small talk?
Christians are generally much more interested in small talk than we are in actually conversing about the hard choices that we each need to make in order to move closer to Jesus. Think about it... When was the last time you had a conversation (outside of church) with another Christian about your spiritual growth?
“Gallup found that less than a third of churchgoers agreed with this statement: ‘In the last six months, someone in my congregation has talked to me about the progress of my spiritual growth.’” (David Murrow, p. 33)
I think so many of us are afraid of being thought of as legalistic pharisees, and so we've gotten really good at being full of grace, but we're incredibly deficient on the truth side of the ledger. Yet, real love requires that I speak the truth (with gentleness and compassion)! May we have the strength to engage in conversations that are edifying and transformative. May we gently prod each other forward in the journey of following Jesus!