Who is Ken DeChant?


After launching my campaign for the Clyde-Green Springs School Board, some in the community have asked who is Ken DeChant?

I am the father of three kids (16, 14, and 12), who attend Clyde-Green Springs schools. Keri, my wife of 21 years, is the library aid at Green Springs Elementary.  

For the past three years, I have volunteered as a mentor at Green Springs Elementary.

Since 2007, I have grown Journey Church, an organization that I founded, into a thriving local ministry with global impact. Journey’s 200+ active volunteers have served our local community through school mentoring, shoe giveaways, providing personnel for Share and Care, Easter basket giveaways, etc.  With a master’s degree in organizational leadership, I have led the church through two construction projects, and have practical experience in hiring and training staff.

I will fight to make sure our kids' education remains the top priority.


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