Pray with your legs

I recently came across an incredible quote by abolitionist, author, and runaway slave Frederick Douglass on taking action:

"I prayed for twenty years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs.”

These words are so powerful when you consider just how much Douglass lived every bit of this.  I can’t even begin to imagine his courage.  

My situation is so different... so much more comfortable.  Yet, there is something I can learn.

I used to think that praying meant kneeling with my eyes closed shut.  I have since learned that there are many situations where I must pray with my eyes wide open.

I can get frustrated with all that is happening around me.  And too often my frustration simply leads to vehement complaint.  But if I listen closely, God is often using the discontent to lead me to courageous action.  He leads me to pray with my legs… to get up and do something.

When you look at the frustrations in your life, how is God leading you to pray with your legs?


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