"Shout to the Lord" at American Idol

As I'm typing this, American Idol's annual Idol Gives Back show is concluding with all of the remaining contestants singing "Shout to the Lord." Yes, THAT "Shout to the Lord!" Interestingly enough, they started by singing "My Shepherd, My Savior, Lord there is none like You..." rather than singing the actual lyrics: "My JESUS, My Savior..." I guess it would be too controversial to actually make it clear that the Lord that they're shouting to is Jesus. Interesting.


Jay44 said…
I didn't notice that they left the "My Jesus, My savior" part out because I was so surprised that they would even sing such a religious song in the first place, and especially at the end. I wonder what went into this decision to have the contestants sing this song. Theres some talk about this on other blogs about AI choosing this song and the motives behind it. I don't have a problem with it (as I'm a Christian), I just never thought it would be AMERICAN IDOL. Pretty Cool
Anonymous said…
Who cares - as long as the name of the LORD is being praised and made know!!!
Anonymous said…
It's "My Jesus" not "My shepherd". What a terrible ending to something that was supposed to do so much good. I am stunned and upset that this song of praise and worship to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ was misused. American Idol could have picked any other song. But then again, why am I surprised?

Janice Calaway,Grant County,Ar
Anonymous said…
As a follower of Jesus Christ I tire of hearing "christians" critique any step some may take to draw closer to God. It is just never good enough for some christians. Praise God that he still gets the glory. American Idol inspired my spirit tonight.

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