Missional Response to Culture

Another incredible quote from Reggie McNeal's A Work of Heart...

"Rather than seeing the culture outside the faith as abandoned by God and operating outside his control, missional spiritual leaders see God actively at work in the world. They understand that he is on a mission himself, redeeming people to himself... Leaders who want to transform the culture seek to build as many bridges as possible to the world outside the faith" (p. 91).

Every Sunday morning, I intentionally mention that Journey is about 2 main things: Connecting people to God and people to people. But we've really got to become SO MUCH MORE intentional about actively looking for CREATIVE ways to "build as many bridges as possible to the world outside the faith."

I'm praying that God will raise up some people in Journey who will become champions of community impact. These are folks who are not only passionate about the idea of creatively surprising people with God's love, but they also have the administrative and leadership gifts to pull off monthly events.


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