More about Small Groups

This is really a continuation of my previous post, in which I concluded by writing about small groups. In chapter six, Osborne shares three "important accelerators" that small groups provide:
  1. CONNECTEDNESS. Belonging "velcroes me to the people and information I'll need when a need-to-grow or need-to-know crises shows up" (p. 64).
  2. PEER PRESSURE. "The best way to produce... spirituality is to hang around those who are already experiencing it. It's a law of human nature. Over time, we start to think, act, and live like those we spend significant time with" (p. 67).
  3. HONESTY. "If I want to grow spiritually, I must be honest enough to let people in on the issues I'm facing and the reality behind the image I portray. I also need friends who are honest enough to tell me the truth--even when I don't want to know it, or it hurts to tell" (p. 67).

What do you think of that list? Any other accelerators that you can think of?


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