
This afternoon, Keri and I went to a monthly lunch sponsored by the children's ministry folks at Cedar Creek Church. I love the fact that this church of 9,000 is so interested in SHARING what they have learned. I was impressed with their humility and their honest desire to learn from other church contexts as well. What a great lesson for us as we enter our second year of existence as a church. I want to be a church that is constantly looking for ways to freely share what God has given to us.

After lunch, we headed over to Toledo's Calvary Assembly and hung out with Pastor Keith, their children's pastor. We're planning a joint kids outreach at Journey on Thursday night, June 26. I'm so grateful for these two churches and their desire to see OTHER churches around them GROW!


Meghan said…
just stopping by for some random blog stalking.... thought this time I would actually leave a comment to say that it sounds awesome to do an outreach with them. If I do say so myself, your little wife might turn into the next famous kids pastor :)

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