Turning off the TV

Earlier, I blogged about Awaken, a 21 day emphasis of prayer and fasting that now includes over 300 churches.  One of the things that I'm fasting is the boob tube (as my grandpa called it).

We're only a few days into this three week emphasis, and yet the television fast is probably going to be the most worthwhile part.  I find that I'm reading more, spending more quality time with Keri and the kids, and just enjoying the QUIET!  If you're an avid television watcher and you haven't tried turning it off for a period of time, it might just be exactly what the Doctor ordered.


Anonymous said…
This fasting is HARD! 3 days of fruits and vegetables and now a day of just juice and water. I'm getting woozy. I didn't really feel much happening, spiritually, the first 3 days, but I can really feel the Lord drawing me close today. It really brings it home- when I complain about going to a well stocked refrigerator, in a heated house, and eating fresh fruit and cold juice or water and then realize how many people around the world go without, not only, food but don't even have a supply of safe water to drink- how much work we, as the people of God- Jesus' disciples- have to do. Help me Lord!

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