This Sunday, Journey will be joining Awakening, a movement of over 200 churches that are calling for a 21 day fast. So, in preparation, last night's Bible study group spent the evening discussing fasting. Specifically, we looked at Matthew 6:16-18; 9:14-15; and Isaiah 58:3-11.
In Isaiah 58, God tells His people that He doesn't want an empty routine that merely abstains from food. Rather, a Godly fast is all about gaining God's heart and becoming passionate about the oppressed, hungry, homeless, bypassed, and empty. So, in the midst of discussing this, Christina, one of the young women in our group, commented, "So, we should make a meal, and instead of eating it, we should give it to somebody who has nothing to eat!" What a simple, but profound thought!
I know it would be torturous, but what if, in addition to fasting food, I volunteered some of my time to cook a meal at the Liberty Center (Sandusky County's homeless center)? Or what if I added up the costs of my meals and gave that money (plus some) to a single mom who has nothing? According to Isaiah 58, this is exactly the kind of fast that would move the heart of God!
What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts.