I am rich!

"My name is Ken and I am rich."

Why is it so hard for us to admit to being rich?  Studies have shown that when people are asked how much it takes to be rich, they almost always give a figure that is twice their current income.  Yet, the mere fact that I drive a car (it could be any car--even a 1990 Ford Tempo with 179,000 miles), automatically places me in the top 8% of the world when it comes to wealth.  Do you have running water?  Are you reading this blog on your own computer?  You, my friend, are filthy rich!

Here's the thing... Rather than owning up to the INCREDIBLE ways that I've been blessed, I find myself playing the "compare game."  I try to convince myself that I'm not really that rich (after all, look at the loot that the guy next door to me has).  So, what keeps me from calling a spade a spade and actually owning up to the fact that I AM RICH?

When I'm completely honest with myslef, and I look beyond America to the rest of the world, I can't help but admit that I am rich.  And it's not because of MY intellect or giftings or incredible good looks!  It's because for some crazy reason God has chosen to entrust me with A LOT.

But, here's the lingering question... Why?!  Why have I been blessed in this way?  Is it all for my benefit?  So that I can accumulate more stuff to store in my basement?  Or... Is there a reason why God has entrusted me with all of this stuff?  Am I rich for a reason?

Sunday morning we're going to dig a little deeper.  In the mean time, I'm interested in your thoughts.  Do you think you're rich?  Maybe you need to practice saying it out loud (go ahead say it now... "I am rich!").


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