A Perplexing Wrestling Event

If you're following along in the One-Year Bible (a great strategy for reading through the Bible), you'll know that we looked at several interesting Old Testament accounts today.  Genesis 32:22-32 is especially profound.

On the eve of preparing to meet Esau (a long-estranged brother), Jacob is naturally scared and frightened.  He sends everyone else foward so that he can be alone to "experience" or even "call upon" God.  However, his encounter is far different from what he probably expected: instead of gaining strength, he walks away limping.  But he IS changed--it is a life-changing experience to have one's life spared.  Jacob's focus and perspective is totally twisted and shaken.

The meaning for us is simply this: God does not owe it to anyone to act according to our dictates.  Why do I always feel like I've got to have God figured out, anyway?  Honestly, I spend way too much time trying to decipher the "secret code" for gaining his "blessings."  Yet, sometimes God only blesses after crippling to the point of dependency.  Walter Brueggemann states, "Israel [Jacob's new name] is not formed by success or shrewdness or land, but by an assault from God.  Perhaps it is grace, but not the kind usually imagined" (Genesis, p. 269).

Sometimes it is best that I don't get what I think I need... Sometimes I simply need to walk with a limp for a while.


Unknown said…
You said, "Yet, sometimes God only blesses after crippling to the point of dependency."

What about this ~ God desires for us to be completely dependent on HIM - not ourselves. He doesn't desire to maime, cripple or mess us up first before we get to this point ~ it is only because of our stiffnecks and hard hearts that we end up banged up before we ALLOW God to do anything ~ then we cry uncle and ALLOW Him to do what He wanted to do in the first place ~ BLESS US.

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