It's about stinkin' time

One of my "goals" for 2009 is to read a book a week, and I've just finished my first: No Compromise: The Life Story of Keith Green by Melody Green. This is the most "out of the blue" selection, but it's a book that really impacted me in a positive way when I first read it in college (can't believe it's been over 10 years now).
So, what's my takeaway? I'm blown away by Keith's hunger for Jesus and His anointing. Truth be told, I haven't been so hungry. Honestly, I feel like my salt has lost its flavor a little (which is a hard thing to own up to). So, I'm really resolving to be ATTACHED to Christ. Apart from Him, I can do NOTHING. He is my source!
How hungry are you? Are you attached to Jesus?