Shift Happens?

I stumbled upon this video today... What a wakeup call that this WORLD is changing much quicker that we usually realize or think. So, what are the implications for those of us who are consumed with the Kingdom of God? How do we need to change our methods of doing ministry to make sure that God's good news is communicated clearly and compellingly to this WHOLE WORLD? How are we doing at foreign missions? How can our community of believers be more passionate about praying for our missionaries and helping provide them with resources and funding?


Tim said…

That is a very cool video...defintely thought provoking! By the way, love the youth ministry name...very cool!
andrew said…
Technology! Kinda like a runaway train! Don't know how relevant this comment is, but I while watching this video I was thinking about how earlier in the evening I was pretty sure that it was still raining outside but instead of turning around to look through the curtained window, I pulled up local radar on the computer. Silly?

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