What do you do when you're not "feeling it"?
John 4:6-8 describes Jesus as “tired,” sitting “wearily,” and “alone.” In addition, he was probably hungry, given the fact that His disciples had run off to fetch some food. If you’ve ever been in a recovery group, you’ve been taught that we are the most vulnerable to addiction or temptation, when we are hungry, angry, lonely and tired. And so, in this passage, Scripture specifically tells us that Jesus was 3 of the 4. Yet, even in this exhausted state, Jesus looks for opportunities to do the will of His Heavenly Father (4:34). Obeying God wasn’t a part-time gig reserved for when He was feeling it, Jesus obeyed His Father EVEN and especially when He probably did NOT feel like it!
Truth be told, I would have probably been vegging out playing a game on my phone, and would have missed the whole opportunity to reach out to this spiritually empty and bankrupt woman. I’m so grateful that Jesus is never too tired. He’s never too weary or exhausted. May we listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit... even when we don’t feel like it. May we be obedient to God’s Word when it seems like we have every excuse in the book to disengage. May we increasingly, more and more look like the Jesus we claim to follow