The importance of asking for help

Yesterday, my 100 second devotion came from John 4. Why not take a moment to read it, even if you’re reading it for the second day in a row!

I think its interesting that Jesus strikes up a conversation with the woman by ASKING HER for a FAVOR. He asks the woman for help (4:7)! Maybe there’s a lesson for us in this. I don’t know about you, but I often go out of my way to NOT ask for help! I don’t want to inconvenience others. Yet, Jesus realized that, in this context, the opposite was true. I can sometimes engage others by asking something of them.
Perhaps the best way to reach out to people far from God is to actually stop being the expert who doesn’t need anything. Maybe from time to time, the Spirit will prompt US actually ASK OTHERS for help. Of course, the key is to be led by the Spirit to know when this is appropriate and will bear fruit, and when we need to go in a different direction.
If you’re self-sufficient and hate asking for help, may you hear the whisper of the Spirit to know when you need to ask for help!


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