When you've lost everything

In 1 Samuel 30, David has lost EVERYTHING. The Amalekites had ransacked his village while him and his men were away. They burned it to the ground and carried off all the women and children. David and his men weeped until they could weep no more, soon after, David’s men became so bitter toward him that they began to talk of stoning him. Quick! If you were David, what would you do?
1 Samuel 30:6 tells us David’s response: “But David found strength in the Lord His God.”
Nobody else did it for him. Honestly, there was nobody else there TO do it for him!

What if he hadn’t? What if HE became bitter? Walked away? Numbed his pain and grief with a vodka tonic, prescription drugs, or porn? Would we even know who David is today?

Here’s the thing... I am responsible for daily finding strength in the Lord my God. Nobody else can do it for me. And nobody else can do it for you.


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