How to accept God's Word.

James 1:21, “get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.” (NIV)

If we’re going to build our lives on the foundation of the Word of God, we’ve got to practice what James says here... we must learn to accept and receive the Word of God.

This word “accept” was a hospitality term in the original Greek. It means to welcome someone into your home. If you invited some casual friends over to your house tonight, what would you do to welcome them? Would you greet them at the door? Would you clean up? How attentive would you be?

In the same way, we are to welcome the Word of God into our lives. It is not a punishing text book to be endured. Rather, we should have an attitude that says, “I welcome You, Lord. I welcome Your Word!”

Today, may you and I accept and receive the word... may our lives be wide open to what God wants to say to us. May we see God’s Word as vital and necessary, and may we build our lives upon the foundation of what it says!


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