Beware of Pride
In Ezekiel 28, God gives the prophet a funeral song for the king of Tyre, in which God states:
"You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and exquisite in beauty... I ordained and anointed you... You had access to the holy mountain of God... I expelled you... Your heart was filled with pride because of all your beauty. Your wisdom was corrupted by love of your splendor." (28:13, 14, 16b-17)What happened? This beautiful, wise creation had been ordained and anointed by God. He had full and complete access to the incredible, manifest presence of God and His glory. Yet, his eyes shifted from the glory of God. He stopped focusing on God as His Creator, Source and Sovereign Master. Rather he became absorbed with himself: his beauty, wisdom, and access.
If this king's heart could be filled with pride, so can mine. I need to be ruthless about rooting out every hint of pride in my life. I need to keep my focus on God and HIS beauty and wisdom. May this be true of you today, as well!