Treasure Hunt!

Today, Kyle turns SIX years old! With this in mind, I've been reading some counsel that Solomon recorded for his sons, and I've been trying to really engage with the advice that Solomon was passing along. This morning, I was struck by the following challenge:
"Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures" (Prov 2:2-4, NLT)
Just imagine if I received a trustworthy, authenticated communication that there was buried treasure in the 7 acres field next to our home and that the treasure was valued at a minimum of ten million dollars.

How hard do you think I would work to discover this treasure? There is no doubt that I would work 24-7! I would spend everything we had (and then some) to rent metal detectors, bulldozer equipment, and all sorts of shovels and other equipment.

I would give myself no rest! Facebook and mindless television wouldn't even be options! I guarantee you that I would have INCREDIBLE FOCUS! Interestingly, Solomon tells us to search for wisdom, understanding and insight with that same exact intensity and focus.

"Oh God, give me a passion for Your wisdom... Help me to see the true value of YOUR WORDS!"


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