Journey is Growing!

It has been so exciting to see what God is doing through Journey Church (not because of how smart we are, but simply because of His grace--remember grace is never deserved)! In fact, 6 of the past 9 Sundays, we have had attendances over 100. Which really doesn't sound like a big deal, until you see the building that we rent and discover that our maximum occupancy is only 120. That means that we have been 83% full for 6 of the past 9 Sundays! In case you haven't realized, this is a PROBLEM!

If we never reach out and refuse to do the things that Jesus has called us to do, we'll be fine, but if we plan on being obedient to His mission, we've got to find a way to to make room for the people that God may be wanting to send to our church.

In light of Jesus' mission, we cannot continue with "business as usual." While the place that we are at is comfortable and easy, we CANNOT afford to rest here. It could have horrifying eternal consequences... We MUST DO SOMETHING!

Beginning Sunday, March 27, we are going to launch our second Sunday morning service. Our service times will be at 9:00 am and 10:45 am. This means that we can continue to connect spiritually lost people to God! This means that there will be space for the people that God is challenging you to reach out to!

So, come on, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work... We've got a great God who is already at work, and He has called us to labor with Him in His great harvest! What a privilege!


Jake Ollervides said…
Very cool! Excited to see where God is taking you! LOVE this blog.

- Jake Ollervides

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