It is beyond My Power...

I was reading in the One Year Bible today, and came across an incredible statement that Joseph made in response to Pharoah's request that Joseph interpret a dream. Here it is...
"'It is beyond my power to do this,' Joseph replied. 'But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease.'" (Genesis 41:16, NLT)
Wow! I love that line: "It is beyond my power to do this." I think God loves to get us into situations that are beyond our ability. In fact, it isn't until we're in circumstances that are"way over our head," that God is able to show HIS strength! I need to readily admit and confess my own helplessness and powerlessness!

Think about it...
  • It is beyond my power to love Keri as Christ loved the church and gave His life for her.
  • It is beyond my power to be everything to my kids that they want me to be.
  • It is beyond my power to pastor Journey Church.
  • It is beyond my power to change situations that seemed to be doomed.
"But God!" That's what Joseph says! I can't... But God can! It's always been about God and it always WILL BE about Him! Honestly, it's not really about what I can do or cannot do. God can! He has all of the power, wisdom, resources, etc.

So, take a few seconds, and admit to yourself: "It is beyond my power to ______________. But God can!"


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