From Amazement to Offense

I'm always interested in how people can experience God's activity in their lives, and then just walk away from Him.

Matthew records an example of this in chapter 13. Jesus has returned to his hometown of Nazareth, and has been given the opportunity to teach in the synagogue. It is interesting to see the people's response:

  • First, everyone was "amazed" and "astonished" at Jesus' teaching. Eugene Peterson puts it this way, "He made a real hit, impressing everyone" (Matt 13:54, MSG). I can just picture them elbowing each other, "This guy is awesome... Wow! I've never thought about it that way. This stuff that He is talking about is really life-changing."
  • But then something absolutely crazy happens! I can only explain it as a wave of jealousy. Slowly, one by one, they began to scoff: "Wait! This guy isn't that big of a deal! He went to the same high school as me. Why does everyone think he's so amazing?" They actually became so self-absorbed that they couldn't even see God's incredible activity right in front of their noses (13:55)!
  • Finally, they "took offense at him" (13:57). They actually became bitter! So much so, that the Bible says that they "refused to believe in him."
What was the result? "And so He did only a few miracles there because of their unbelief" (13:58, NLT). Wow! After beginning with a sense of amazement, because of their own cynicism and critical nature, they totally excused away Jesus and His potential to dramatically change their lives.

Honestly, I can't point my finger at these "crazy Nazarenes," because I've done the same thing! It's absolutely amazing how quickly I can lose my sense of wonder and awe at God's provision in my life. Before long, I'm comparing myself to everyone else and their situations. And if I'm not careful I can quickly move from amazement to offense.


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