
I am so excited about what God is doing in the lives of our Journey peeps! Several weeks ago, I challenged our attenders to read God's Word every day, and to ask God to show them ONE verse that they could carry around with them throughout that day. In fact, I asked them to take it a step further by purchasing a notebook and writing the following each day:
- S cripture - Actually hand-write the one verse that stood out to you.
- O bservation - What's going on in this verse (remember just a couple of lines)?
- A pplication - How can you actually do what this verse is talking about today?
- P rayer - Based on what you just read, what do you want to say to God? (I've borrowed this SOAP acronym from Pastor Wayne Cordeiro)
While I was fully aware that this strategy for approaching the Bible has been revolutionary in my own life, I don't think I knew how big it would be for our people. I'm amazed at the number of conversations that I've had with people who are actually DOING this! AND they are discovering so many riches from God's Word for their own personal lives! (Can you tell that I'm excited!?)
If you don't already have a strategy for reading God's Word, you owe it to yourself to take 3 weeks to try this out! For 21 straight days, test-drive this approach. If you will do prayerfully and humbly, I am 100% confident that you will begin to hear God's voice in your life in fresh, exciting ways! I double-dog dare you!