Finance Basics (4 of 5)

Dave Ramsey's fourth principle from last Sunday morning was "Save and Invest." Proverbs 21:20 states, "In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil."
This principle is really primary for improving your financial picture. If you don't have anything in savings than you will be constantly drawn back to debt. After getting married almost nine years ago, the first financial goal that Keri and I had was to put $1,000 into savings. Now for some people, this isn't a big deal... They can do it, painlessly in a couple of weeks. But for us, $1,000 might as well have been $20,000! But we both worked hard and we didn't spend money on any extras until we achieved this goal! Thankfully, we did and we've never had less than this amount in a savings account.
Click here for a great article on saving money.