Happy 70th, Judy!
Last night, I went to a birthday party for Judy Schauder, an incredible woman in our church who turned 70 yesterday! Of course, we enjoyed eating birthday cake and making the obligatory jokes about her age, but the highlight was when everyone sat down and began, one-by-one, sharing about the spiritual difference that Judy has made in their lives (I had never met most of these people). For several people, it was Judy who actually prayed with them to receive Christ.
As I was driving home, I was thinking about the value of FINISHING well. Judy is nowhere near the end of her life (if you know her, you know how TRUE that statement is!). Yet, she has continued to be faithful for so many years, and in the process she has been a huge difference maker in the lives of so many people. May you and I show the same track-record of faithfulness at our 70th birthday parties!
As I was driving home, I was thinking about the value of FINISHING well. Judy is nowhere near the end of her life (if you know her, you know how TRUE that statement is!). Yet, she has continued to be faithful for so many years, and in the process she has been a huge difference maker in the lives of so many people. May you and I show the same track-record of faithfulness at our 70th birthday parties!