Auld Lang Syne

Over the past week, we've had two different opportunities to spend time hanging out with some really good friends from our time in Pittsburgh. Last weekend, Joey and Christine McGee spent the weekend with us... It was SO great to see them! Joey is a really gifted singer, songwriter (you can check him out at And Christine is one of those people who just oozes with wisdom and insight.

And then yesterday, we spent a few hours hanging out with Spencer and Julie Duncan at Cedar Point. It was good to see them and their kids... they had a lot of kids with them... 44 (he's the youth pastor at South Hills Assembly in Pittsburgh).

Anyhow, I mention these visits because our time with them visibly brought to mind the six years that we spent in ministry in Pittsburgh. We look back so fondly at those years because God did so much in and through us. Yet, there are no regrets about leaving because we know that we're right where God wants us!


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