
Jesus is telling His closest followers to stay alert... keep watch! There is a subtle enemy that starts out extremely small, but if you allow it, will eventually take over and influence everything about you. He is talking about HYPOCRISY. Hypocrisy is the act of wearing different masks. It is acting as if you are a certain person, knowing that the true you is not really being represented. Quite simply, it is an act. It is not genuine or authentic, and like with the Pharisees, it is anything but attractive.
Why did people absolutely flock to Jesus? He told the truth. Always. In fact, Jesus IS the truth! There is no act going on... No pretending!
If you feel like this "yeast of hypocrisy" might be affecting you, join me in praying...
"God, I know that I have been affected by hypocrisy. I pray that You will uproot it and tear it out of my life for Your sake. I want to be truthful in all that I do, say, and AM! Help me to be alert and watchful for the yeast of hypocrisy in my life."