Desperate for Deliverance

From looking at several other translations, this was clearly a situation where an EVIL SPIRIT had crippled this woman for EIGHTEEN years.
The enemy is STILL crippling people through demonic oppression and possession today. Evil spirits are not fun and games... They certainly are not a laughing matter. What if we rub shoulders every day with men and women who have "been crippled by a spirit"?
How many have been oppressed by unclean spirits, only to be treated and medicated. Why is there no power among Jesus' followers to do what HE DID? Why is our faith so impotent?
"When Jesus saw her, He called her forward and said to her, 'Woman you are SET FREE from your infirmity.' Then He put His hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God.'" (Luke 13:12-13, NIV, emphasis mine)
We don't know if this woman sought Jesus out, but we do know that Jesus sought her out. As Jesus' followers, we must have eyes that are opened to what's really going on, and the courage to step out in faith and ask God for the impossible.
"Oh God, grant me and our generation the boldness, faith, and anointing to actually follow the ways of Jesus."