Kick back and relax

Ephesians 3:16-17a, "I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith." (NIV)
This is the first part of an incredible prayer that Paul prayed for Jesus-followers in Ephesus. Paul prays that these men and women would have a strength to overcome resistance. He knows that as they endeavor to follow and obey the teachings of Jesus, that they will face all kinds of obstacles.
I know that I face resistance from three different areas: (1) my old ruts of falling into sin, (2) resistance from the world that continually mocks the counter-intuitive ways of God, and (3) resistance from the devil who is a master at lying to me about God and my ability to follow God. Anyhow, Paul knows that this resistance is pretty heavy stuff, so he asks that God would strengthen them with power.
But here is the really cool part... Paul wants me to have God's power to overcome resistance SO THAT Jesus might dwell in my heart. Now, as a follower of Jesus, I know that Christ already resides in my life, but that's not what Paul is talking about here. The word "dwell" actually means "to settle down and feel at home." Have you ever been invited to a home that smelled so bad or was so dirty that it was hard for you to relax? There have been times in my life where the inner places of my heart looked and smelled pretty disgusting... I'm sure it was hard for Jesus to kick back and relax.
I need God's power and strength to overcome resistance, so that I can create an environment where Jesus "feels at home." I literally want him to be able to kick back and relax in the secret parts of my life (Paul calls this my inner being).
How are the hidden parts of your life? Is your inner-man a place where Jesus can spread out and feel at home? If not, memorize this verse and begin making it your prayer to God!