Run, Pursue, Fight, and Hold Tightly

Back in October, I read a passage from 1 Timothy that has stuck with me.
1 Timothy 6:11-14, "But you, Timothy, are a man of God; so RUN from all these evil things. PURSUE righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. FIGHT the good fight for the true faith. HOLD TIGHTLY to the eternal life to which God has called you... Then no man can find fault with you from now until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again" (NLT).

Paul was incredibly encouraging! He actually called Timothy a "man of God!" I, on the other hand, am all too quick to cut others down to size. Why do I have such a problem praising others and declaring the growth and good that I see in them? Why is it hard to say, "I'm proud of you?"

In addition to offering encouragement, Paul wasn't afraid to challenge Timothy... Run, Pursue, Fight, Hold Tightly! In other words, Paul wanted to make sure that Timothy didn't rest on his laurels. Interestingly, Paul isn't all that concerned with yesterday, he is concerned with Timothy's RIGHT NOW: "then no one can find fault with you FROM NOW until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again."

Honestly, I long to be like Paul AND I long to be like Timothy! I thank God for the mentors like Paul, that He has put in my life. At the same time, I realize that I must be a Paul to other Timothys.


Mom2Drew said…
Boy...small world. You may/may not remember me, this is heather Bauers (Krans) and we attended Southeastern in Florida for a little while. We went to church together and had a few classes together as well.

It's awesome to see you're a pastor now and have a family. I've got a hubby and 2 little boys, a 2.5 year old and a 1 year old and am a photographer as well as a stay at home mom. is my site.

We attend New Life Church in Colorado Springs and I noticed you listed the Desperation Band as a group you like. We know those guys pretty well. That's randomly how I found your blog by the way.

Anyway, I know this is really random-just thought I'd leave you a comment for fun.

Have a wonderful Christmas season and God bless!!

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