Leading the Way in Respect

Back in February, our Wednesday night small group began a verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans. Interestingly enough, last night we landed in the beginning of Romans 13. This passage is especially timely for the evangelical community in light of Mr. Obama's election to the presidency on Tuesday night. There are three major takeaways (props to my district superintendent, Pastor John Wootton, who emailed these to me yesterday):
  • I need to understand that Mr. Obama has been appointed by God.

    Romans 13:1, “Obey the government, for God is the one who put it there. ALL GOVERNMENTS have been placed in power by God.” (NLT)

    Daniel 4:17b, “…the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses—even to the lowliest of humans.” (NLT)

    For the most part, American Christians seem to really struggle with the idea of submitting to whatever authority is in power (family, church, civil, etc.) Here's the biblical principle: "Always respect the POSITION, even if you struggle with the PERSON."

  • I need to lead the way in respecting Mr. Obama.

    Romans 13:2, “Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.” (NIV)

    We are not to entertain ANY slanderous remarks regarding President-Elect Obama (Titus 3:1-2) . Obviously, as citizens of a democracy, we have the freedom to respectfully voice our opposition to policy decisions, but it should always be in a respectful, honoring tone.

  • I need to realize that, as president, Mr. Obama is God’s minister for good.

    Romans 13:4, “For he is God’s servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God’s servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.” (NIV)

Regardless of whether you voted for Mr. Obama or not, let's LEAD THE WAY in respecting and PRAYING for our president-elect.


MCJ said…
Well said PK! While everyone is whining and complaining about what's happened, the bottom line is we have to live with that decision. And yes, God does say we should respect authority and pray for our leaders even if we don't personally agree with them.
Anonymous said…
I echo your thoughts, padre. Here is a good site I have been going to the past month or so, http://www.presidentialprayerteam.org/
It is a page encouraging prayer for the president & others in our country's leadership.
Anonymous said…
Yes ken! very good.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I agree with the scriptures you quoted.
I do not agree however with respecting a position that has been filled with someone who is opposite of how I live my life for God.
Our great nation was built by revolution from a corupt government that kept religious freedom in bondage.
I like to think that it was God who blessed the revolutionaries and gave them the victory over an evil tyrant. They did not submit to that wicked king and out of that revolution this nation was born and has glorified God and His son Jesus Christ. How can we as followers of the WAY, THE TUETH AND THE LIFE, lower our standards and submit to this wickedness? sorry, but NOT ME. I will not bow to this Goligula of the United States of America.
Ken DeChant said…
Dan, thanks for posting. Here's the deal... When Paul wrote the Scriptures that I quoted in my post, he wasn't writing in some kind of religous bubble or vacuum, he was writing in a very real political situation. The ruler of the world was a guy named Nero. Ever heard of him? Do a google search.

It's true that we could have a discussion about the Revolutionary War, but ultimately the WORD OF GOD is our standard and the Bible COMMANDS us (not a suggestion) to give respect to those in authority over us. Based on Titus 3:2, it is OUT OF LINE to refer to our authorities in a slandeorus way... Name-calling is never appropriate.

This doesn't mean that we roll over and accept every piece of legislation that comes down the pike, but we vehemently disagree in a RESPECTFUL tone. Furthermore, we are commanded to pray for our leaders. I fully believe that if we (1) honor Mr. Obama, (2) disagree with him in a respectful tone, and (3) faithfully pray for him, God has ALL ABILITY to change his heart. Who knows? Mr. Obama could actually be used as a Cyrus.
Pastor Randy said…
No one goes wrong when they live their life according to the Word of God. Respect and honor those in authority is a great way to follow God's command. Remember, God is in control. No earthly election or power will ever move God from His throne. It's good to know that we can trust God. Besides, adversity and struggle always seems to bring people to their knees quicker!
Eli said…
Pastor Ken,
Thanks for the timely reminder of our duty as Christians to uphold in honor and prayer those the LORD has placed over us in authority. Certainly I'm glad I don't live in the Roman times with the Caesars' rule. I'm not happy with whom America's chosen, but that doesn't release me from my responsibility.
Jesus said, "All nations will persecute you for my name's sake." For that scripture to come true, persecution must truly come to our nation. May we be prepared with humble hearts and our armor on!

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