Excellence is all about habits!

Aristotle once wrote, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." How true! So, if I want to live a truly excellent, God-honoring life, I've GOT to pay attention to my HABITS... those things that I repeatedly do (mostly, without even thinking about).

With that being said, I've been thinking a lot about what goes into actually CHANGING my habits. What would it take for me to ACTUALLY begin doing all of the things that I've been TALKING about doing! I could rattle off the list for you, but you've got a list of your own!

So, here's my self-serving question... As you've read through Scripture have you come across any truths that have stood out to you about the actual process of changing our habits? In July, Journey Church will be launching a sermon series entitled TRANSFORMERS (Yeah, I realize that it's a corny play off the same-named movie that will be releasing around the same time). Anyhow, our whole aim will be to look at what the Bible has to say about changing our habits.


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