The Waiting Game

Several months ago, our children’s pastor, Meghan Boyle, forwarded me the following quote by Oswald Chambers:

"When God gives you a vision and darkness follows, wait. God will bring the vision He has given you to reality in your life if you will wait on His timing. Never try to help God fulfill His word. Abram went through thirteen years of silence, but in those years all of his self-sufficiency was destroyed. He grew past the point of relying on his own common sense. Those years of silence were a time of discipline, not a period of God's displeasure. There is never any need to pretend that your life is filled with joy and confidence; just wait upon God and be grounded in Him. Do I trust in the flesh? Or have I learned to go beyond all confidence in myself and other people of God?"

Wow! This quote has been so appropriate to our situation in life! I’ve really been trying to keep this quote in front of me because I’m definitely guilty of putting my confidence in myself instead of totally relying on God. I so desperately want to see God’s vision accomplished in His way and in His timing!


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