Watch Out for the Esau Syndrome

Yesterday, I was listening to a downloaded sermon on my IPOD. The preacher was talking about this time in the Bible when a guy named Esau sold his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob, in exchange for a heaping bowl of lentil soup. Esau’s exchange doesn’t seem like a very big deal on the surface level, but the severity of his situation zooms into focus when we realize that Esau’s birthright represented his destiny… His place in the family… His inheritance! Think of it! Esau was willing to squander EVERYTHING for one momentary craving. It was a BIG deal! In one moment Esau's sacred destiny was traded for the satisfaction of a simple urge.

The writer of Hebrews warns us, “Watch out for the Esau syndrome: trading away God’s lifelong gift in order to satisfy a short-term appetite. You well know how Esau later regretted that impulsive act and wanted God’s blessing—but by then it was too late, tears or no tears.” (Hebrews 12:16-17—The Message).

I know that I’m not above being swept away by the “Esau Syndrome”. If I’m not alert and watchful, I’ll succumb to it. It’s not too much of a stretch to think of several different scenarios where I could lose absolutely everything for nothing more than a bowl of beans. Honestly, this freaks me out! I know, full well, the power of my short-term appetite. I’ve been knocked over by my urges in the past. But I’ve probably never thought of the severity of the exchange. Last night, I was lying awake in bed and I started to think about what I could lose: Keri’s respect and even our marriage, Kyle’s admiration, my calling of connecting people to God. All of this could be lost in a moment if I’m not watchful.

What makes this all the more complicated is the fact that I’ve got a very real enemy who would like nothing better for the “Esau Syndrome” to take hold of me.
Jesus said that the devil’s mission is to steal God’s best from me. So, it makes sense that my opponent will do his best to elevate the attractiveness and mystery of the sinful urges. I’ve GOT to be alert and clear minded so that I can see the bowl of steaming bean soup for what it is… nothing more than gas.


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