Losing Control

Have you ever felt out of control? I’ve been feeling that way lately and, strangely enough, I’m beginning to realize that it’s not such a bad place to be!

If there was any place that Jesus’ disciples felt like they were IN CONTROL—it was in the water. They had spent most of their lives—from dawn to dusk—on the water fishing. So, in Mark 4, we find them maneuvering their boat across the sea when a "mega-seismos" hits. That’s Greek for "betta get yourself to shore like NOW!" Things get so bad that these fishing experts decide to finally wake Jesus up (who strangely enough had been snoozing the whole time). Still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, they gang up on him and essentially accuse Him of not caring that they’re all about to die. Things were spiraling out of control for these guys, and they were not enjoying one minute of it. They were FREAKED out!

So, Jesus looks out at the storm and utters the words, "Peace, be still." And suddenly the "mega-seismos" was calmed. The storm did not JUST come to an end (all storms eventually come to an end), rather, this storm ceased in that EXACT moment. As you can expect, the disciples began to look at Jesus in a whole new light. In fact, the Greek description of their new found awe and reverence is stated this way: they began to "fear a great fear." They realized that they didn’t have to be in control as long as they were following the one who even the wind and the waves obey.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this passage. Probably like you, I find myself wigging out when things don’t go according to MY plan. I begin to freak out. Doesn’t God care? Doesn’t he know that my last-resort-sound-guy just called and cancelled on me?

I’m beginning to realize that it’s all part of the plan. Just as the storm was purposeful to help refine the disciples and to help them to GET IT. I realize that God is refining me. He wants me to realize that He, AND HE ALONE, is in control. When things start spiraling downward, God wants me to stop all of my striving and fighting. Rather, He longs for me to simply trust Him.


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